Wow it’s 2015!

I was looking at WordPress for a client and then I found myself looking at my blog and realising that I missed blogging…

I don’t know where to start seeing I was mostly absent in 2014. Well I guess 2014 in short… I took a break from Medicine; met a boy; went to the Polo and felt like Pretty Woman; went to the beach… many times!; saw cool sand sculptures; did 3 months of study, had a lot of fun and graduated with Certificate IV in Graphic Design; did a few design internships and jobs and realised design work and design study are totally different…

Bought a mushroom gelato cake for a friend; got sick, then sicker then improved; went to a Beer festival & tasted a beer called Godzilla which reminded me of miso soup and beer mixed together; came to the conclusion that unpaid internships are not cool; got obsessed with poppies over Winter; watched lots of movies…

Turned 26 and had a small celebration with a red velvet cake, old fashioned cocktails and polaroid snaps with my closest pals; missed Medicine; was a finalist in an Australian Design competition; had a poster exhibited in London raising money for Cancer Research; attended calligraphy and sign painting workshops; saw Once the Musical and loved it; still undecided with what to do with Medicine; saw a Dior documentary which was amazing and reminded me of my love for fashion and all things design; attended the Korean film festival; learnt I had to get used to being with myself and had to take care of myself more; perused a few Design Markets; designed wedding invitations for a friend; finished Naruto!!!; celebrated Christmas and then brought in the New Year with drinks at a hidden Japanese bar and fireworks. Phewww…!

2014 was meant to be a wobbling finding myself year and to my dismay a year is not long enough. Let’s hoping 2015 brings a bit more clarity.. and more photos that are not from my dodgy old iPhone :p

  1. Thao said:

    Leanne! Welcome back to the blogosphere! And I love this wrap-up post. It makes me also want to get back into blogging.

    1. Congrats on being a finalist in the design competition! You go girl! That is fantastic, especially since you just got started this year.

    2. Miso soup and beer?! I can’t even imagine, but I’m also very curious. Shall note this for the future that such a beer exists.

    3. Congrats on finishing Naruto. That is like a life milestone considering how long that series is. I need to go back and finish it since I accidentally read a spoiler involving my favorite pairing – NejiTen. T_______T

    4. Happy belated birthday and happy 2015!

  2. Cat said:

    You did a lot in 2014! Congrats on graduating with your certificate in Graphic Design, getting the internships, and becoming a finalist in a design competition! Those are great achievements :) I hope 2015 will be a good year for you and that you find the clarity you’re looking for!

  3. Becca said:

    2014 wasn’t much of a blogging year for me either, but please do make the return!

    to clarity and finding yourself in 2015!

  4. Liz said:

    You’ve been up to a lot! 2014 was also one of my slowest blogging years. I had a lot going on, and I kept feeling so burnt out on blogging, but sometimes taking that little break is well worth it.

    Congrats on the design certification!

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